Central to Christian living and the life of the church is worship.  Out of God's pleasure we were created, and out of that recognition we celebrate with our Creator through worship.  While there are so many styles of worship, we practice in a traditional style.  We sing hymns, pass the peace of Christ, pray, tithe, listen to sermons, and receive benedictions.  


Missions are central to the Christian life.  We are created to serve the Lord.  We believe that every member is a missionary serving as God has called.  We believe each member is equipped by the Holy Spirit with gifts, talents, and passions to work with God in His creation. 


Fellowship is central to the Christian life of faith.   We share life together as a community of believers  through trials and celebrations. We share laughter, grief, hard times, and good times. 


Central to following Christ is becoming one of His disciples. We are created to grow in our faith and love of God.  We are on a life-long journey as we follow Jesus. Through Bible study, devotions, Sunday School, community events, and prayer, we hope to resemble Jesus Christ in our world more and more over time.