FBC Cornelia gives to missions through its Unified Missions Offering Fund.  Administered by the Missions Committee, FBC advanced God's kingdom with over $55,000 in giving to local, state, national, international ministries and community partners  last year.  Investments were made to  Baptist denominational mission partners (local, state and national); Grace Gate, Habersham Christian Learning Center, The Lord's Help Soup Kitchen, Family Resource Center, Circle of Hope, Nicaragua Mission Partnership, Operation Christmas Child and others. For a full giving report, please see the Giving Brochure below. 

Because FBC gives faithfully to the Unified Missions Offering Fund, the Missions Committee is able to make some grant monies available to ministries doing kingdom work.  If you would like to apply for a Missions Grant on behalf of your Christian ministry, please see the link to our application below - TeamMissionGrantApp.